
14 Apr 15

Alumnus Dirk Driehuijzen made a 3D visualisation of the Mercedes booth for the 2015 Autosalon at Brussels, commissioned by Publiganda.   Dirk was responsible for the scene setup, materials, rendering and post...

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03 Apr 15

On a cold and rainy Saturday morning we left with 75 students to Calais where we took the boat to sail towards our home away from home for the next week, Londooooooooon!    From January 31st till February 7th...

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03 Apr 15

In the first two weeks of their internship Matthew and Quinten were dropped into the production as well as the crunch time for the creation of the music video “Stay Stay Stay” for Belgian band Willow.  ...

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24 Mar 15

Congratulations to Tim Moreels ! He is featured on the Polycount Recap with his Harvey Dent sculpt.    

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18 Mar 15

For his graduation work Thomas Ghekiere had to recreate a scene from a photo/ real building in the game engine Unreal 4. The goal was to get the look as realistic as possible. With as purpose to create realistic PBR...

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13 Mar 15

For his graduation work Joeri Naert explored how to make poison ivy in the unreal game engine.    Joeri began researching blueprints, splines and spline meshes in unreal. Testing how to make multiple...

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09 Mar 15

For his graduation work,  Tom Delboo  created "Faces of the Earth", a study of different ethnic faces - both male and female. At first Tom tried to create a more generic looking face for each ethnic type,...

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05 Mar 15

One of the games, made during the course Game Projects, got published in EOS Magazine. The game Dev 'n Awe focuses on the effects of problematic gaming behavior and informs adolescent players about the effects of addictive...

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04 Mar 15

Here are some the result of the Game Art Pipeline course.    The goal was to create a gun as game assets using normal maps and Physically Based Rendering techniques to create the materials.    Tim...

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03 Mar 15

For his graduation work Tom Ivens wanted to take the opportunity to learn and create a demo level in the Cry Engine 3.   Tom has created a realistic atomospheric outoor environment. To experience what the...

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02 Mar 15

At the Animationfilm Festival ‘Anima 2015 ’ in Brussels (13/02-22/02) we meet up with Marlon Nowe, Disney animator, and Elien Kellens , DAE alumnus. Why this combination? Marlon gave a great animation workshop...

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27 Feb 15

For this assignment students needed to create a room or an object with interesting light setup, materials and composition.    Here are some of the results.    Charles Peckstadt   Joeri...

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24 Feb 15

For his graduation work, Daan Meysman made a small environment in which the seasons change in a dynamic way. The scene is made in UE4 and is mainly constructed with dynamic shaders but he also uses lighting, scripting and...

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21 Feb 15

Final year student Michel Mohr released a personal game project called Hexjack and it is available on Google Play . Technologie used to make the game: Unity and Aseprite.   Hexjack is a puzzle game inspired by...

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20 Feb 15

For his graduation work Marcin Swierzowski looked into creating procedural content.   He made a couple of specific tools for the Unreal Engine 4 to speed up the workflow and get random results without having to do...

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17 Feb 15

The goal of this project was to create a virtual reality cave demo for Barco with the help of their powerful projectors. The setup uses three projectors to create a 180 degrees field of vision, floor and ceiling excluded. We...

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16 Feb 15

These are some of the level from the Level Editing class, that is in the second year. In this class the students learned to work with the Unreal Engine by making their first level. The models and textures used to build the...

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13 Feb 15

Elves, Orcs, Wolven, Undead…This year the students of the major Game Graphics and VFX production got to design a new character for an old skool fantasy board game, called Confrontation. This is a french skirmish...

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09 Feb 15

On monday 9/2 Minister Muyters and Mayor Van Quickenborne where a guest at Howest The Level. The visit is part of a research project Howest and Kortrijk city are currently collaborating on: how to invest in high-tech...

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04 Feb 15

Our third year students during Gameprojects 2 need to create a game around a given subject, this year we again worked with the “ My machine ” project from Howest.   What is Mymachine MyMachine is an...

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03 Feb 15

 For his graduation work Jeroen Devriendt investigated different software packages to help him speed up his workflow for creating concept art.   The use of 3D software packages eliminated wrong perspective...

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30 Jan 15

The students made their first ever low poly 3D scene. The goal was to create a city scene based on reference and it had to be exported to Sketchfab. Because of the huge amount of content that was created Sketchfab noticed...

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26 Jan 15

This past weekend we hosted our first Global Game Jam in The Level.    With about 13 people participating we ended up with a few late comers and some first years that wanted to take part.   ...

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13 Jan 15

HAPPY NEW YEAR Holidays have come and gone and we'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.  We sincerely hope everyone had a good holiday filled with friends and family.    EXAMS In the...

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13 Jan 15

You read it correctly!     We've been approved as a Jam Site for the Global Game Jam .  We'll have 100 spots open for our first participation so get them while they are available.   ...

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09 Jan 15

 Alumnus Hannes Delbeke is featurerd on the front page of the SketchFab website with his nicely stylized  Taka House . Congratulations!

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06 Jan 15

A new feature film from Belgian Visual Effects company, GRID-VFX  has been released.  The new film titled "Wiplala" is based on childrens books by Dutch writer, Annie M.G. Schmidt.    There...

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18 Dec 14

Our colleague and DAE alumnus Alexander Delagrange made a useful max script, which he named "Bend of Brothers". It is a quick and easy tool to generate instances and apply bending parameters to it.   You...

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12 Dec 14

For the very first time in their DAE career our 3rd Year students, from the Game Graphics major, got introduced to Physically Based Rendering in the Level Decoration and Design module.   Physically Based Rendering...

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20 Nov 14

By the end of November the new Asterix film ‘Asterix: The land of the gods’ will be released.   Quite some DAE Alumni worked on the movie: - Jhonie Aelbrecht (Technical Director) - Sam...

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19 Nov 14

Leslie - the hardest working man in gameland - Van Den Broeck has won the Blizzardfest contest! A very big congratulation from the whole DAE team. You deserve this title!    Check out his Ogre (and of course...

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18 Nov 14

DAE Studios NV  - HOWEST’s first spinoff - and  Pixel-Ant  have joined forces to bring architectural visualizations to the next level. They are doing this by transferring game technology to...

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14 Nov 14

The Q-Week where our 1st Year students had exams to gauge their current skill levels has come to a close.   We hope that everyone gave it all and really pushed themelves to and past their "limits"!...

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07 Nov 14

On November 4th we had a Digital Arts and Entertainment Career Day for our 2nd and 3rd year students.    We had Visual Effects and Game Development companies taking part in the day with each company giving a...

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04 Nov 14

 Our first year students are now undergoing their first examination...The mighty Q-Week.    Q-week is a week of mid terms for each course so students can find out where they stand in their studies so...

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28 Oct 14

Recently we were treated to three talks given by one of our Alumni, Robbert-Jan Brems.   Robbert-Jan is a Technical Artist for Eidos-Montreal in Montreal, Canada and worked on the new Thief  game....

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21 Oct 14

One of our Alumni, Brent Rombouts has been hard at work and of course free work (he just can't be stopped!)   While preparing to make a new character in his free time Brent decided to do an anatomy study first....

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16 Oct 14

DAE Research created a serious game as training tool for AZ-Groeninge, this is the hospital from Kortrijk. The serious game is financially supported by the European Social Fund (ESF).   The player can personalise...

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14 Oct 14

Our very own Lino Drieghe, teacher of Preproduction and DAE Alumnus, has gotten his art onto the box and cards of the Game of Thrones Card Game.   Congratulations, Lino!

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05 Oct 14

Hendrik Coppens made this little archer based on the concept by Sephiroth-Art. He started with a Zbrush sculpt, retopologized it and baked the high detail information into a normal map. A rig was added so the little archer...

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03 Oct 14

The first two weeks of Study Nights have come and gone with a great turn out!   For those not knowing what Study Nights are, every Thursday from 6pm - 10pm students are able to get together in The Level to be...

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29 Sep 14

At the start of September, students and Alumni from Digital Arts and Entertainment ran the Annual Introduction Courses program. The program prepares incoming students with the first few weeks of basics for several at DAE...

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22 Sep 14

From August 25 to 29 we organised our first International Summer School. 20 participants coming from Turkey, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, US, UK and even Belgium took part. They got to know the Game Production...

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18 Sep 14

The new academic year 2014-2015 has started!!   The kick-off days are currently taking place. We are proud to welcome 420 new students in the first year. 250 students will follow the Dutch curriculum and 170...

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11 Sep 14

Alumni Leslie Van Den Broeck is at it again! This time he's been featured in a Quixel DDO basics tutorial where he shows the basics and work flow of using Quixel's DDO for texturing a character.

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11 Sep 14

Do you know what the most expensive cultural product of all time is? It is not a painting by Picasso, but a videogame. 'Destiny' is the game and it costed about 386 million euros to make it.   Regis Leroy, lecturer...

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01 Sep 14

DAE participated in the Brains Eden Game Jam Event in Cambridge UK from 4 to 7 July. The event is a Game event together with a Game jam where over 150 students (from UK, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain and...

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23 Aug 14

Congratulations to  Oskar Kuijken and  Leslie Van den Broeck on making it onto the latest polycount recap .

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08 Jul 14

 Xavier Fiers is featured on the Polycount recap page with an Asian CryEngine scene. Congratulations !

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26 Jun 14

The final assignment of the course 3D2 (first year students) is modeling a high poly vehicle using subdivision modeling techniques. Being in control of your 3D model is very important and some strict rules need to be...

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