Organisations of the cultural heritage sector approached us to participate in a project regarding digital preservation of cultural heritage. During the project we researched the quickest ways to convert 3D-scanned point clouds to a CAD-model or a model or real-time applications, and in what way this process could be automated in order to reduce time and costs. This research was done using a scutching turbine, located at the Texture museum in Kortrijk, as an example. In the final phase the model was used in the development of a Virtual Reality application for smartphones, that allows museum visitors to interact with the machine and open it up to look inside.
This project tapped into the expertise of two of Howest's study programmes: Industrial Product Design (IPO) and Digital Arts and Entertainment (DAE). This way the cultural heritage sector received a comprehensive view on the possibilities of 3D scanning, 3D printing and reverse engineering as possible methods for heritage preservation. The project results were linked back to the curriculum, for example the Graduation Work module in DAE.
Status: Development-oriented project cultural heritage, project finished June 2015