Howest Digital Arts and Entertainment ranked again #1 Game Development & Development Schools and Colleges in 2021.
These rankings are made by professional judges from leading companies all over the world, such as Weta Digital, Pixar, Epic Games, Sony, Rockstar Games, Ubisoft, Double Negative, Framestore, The Mill,, Ninja Theory, and many more. Their scores were based on the quality of the portfolios submitted by students in The Rookies competition, taking into account the following criteria: employment potential, creative skills, technical skills, presentation, and variety of work. All aspects of education that we also value highly here at DAE!
We want to congratulate all our students who submitted their projects to the Rookie Awards 2021, with a special mention to those who made it as finalists: Joao Desager, Silke Van der Smissen, Niels Couvreur, Clement Moreau, Antoine Gerin and Mathis Obeid. Silke and Clement are also one of the winners in the Highly Commended category!
The 2021 Best Game Design and Development Schools and Colleges in the World rankings is something we take very seriously and no external influences or payments are entered into at any point. Our rankings focus on the quality of students portfolios that are submitted to our judging panel which best reflect the recruitment interview process.
-The Rookies