Graphics Programming 2: Results 2020

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In one year students learned to write a small renderer from scratch in C++ using DirectX 11. Most of them had no prior knowledge of 3D rendering API’s and/or Computer Graphics Fundamentals. These are some of the results of games (re)made in the custom Overlord Engine framework with additional rendering, physics and gameplay code from the students.


API’s used:

  • DirectX 11 + Extensions
  • Nvidia PhysX
  • FMOD audio



GP2_20_SuperJumper_by_Vanhooydonck_Quinten from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.

GP2_20_KungFuPanda_by_DeTemmerman_Kevin from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.

GP2_20_Kirby_DeCort_Eloy from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.

GP2_20_CrossyRoad_by_Bourgonjon_Glen from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.

GP2_20_CrazyMonkeyBall_by_Pinto_Tomas from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.

GP2_20_Portal_by_Sabbe_Ruben from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.

GP2_20_Dummy_by_VanRavels_Quentin from Digital Arts and Entertainment on Vimeo.